Our sheep have started lambing again today. Rosie(one of our pedigree jacobs) had twins(1 ram and 1 ewe)
These were her first lambs and like most jacobs she lambed them herself with ease. The lambs are a good size
and have good markings. Like most jacob lambs they were quick on their feet and feeding quickly. We are hopeful
that the rest will follow soon.
I took this picture this morning of one of our best ram lambs. His mother came from the stonecroft flock (g fletcher, co. wicklow) and we hope he will do well for us this year at the shows.  

I will be showing this year at Balmoral, Omagh, Clogher and Enniskillen.  Anyone who is considering showing Jacobs and is new to it, like myself, please contact me.
Sorry for the delay in getting our blog up and running but it has taken a while to get pictures etc sorted out.  We lambed 6 ewes at the end of Dec/beginning jan and had 9 lambs in the space of 5 days.  We sponged these sheep back in August and it worked really well as they lambed very closely together.  The sheep were let run in and out of the shed for the first 2 weeks and then we moved them to nearby pasture when the lambs were strong enough.  We are looking forward to the beginning of March when we have 9 more ewes to lamb and hopefully things will work out as well.  All our lambs are being creep fed now as we find it boosts them on.
Lambs at 1 week old venturing out of the shed
Taken on 26th January - lambs waiting to be fed!
All lambs are now being creep fed to boost them on
(excuse the untidy creep feeder but it is the only way to keep the goat out!)
3 Jacob Hoggets & 1 Dorset Hogget due to lamb at the beginning of March
Jake is in the background!
Jake the ram waiting to be fed
Lambs at lick bucket
Some of our  lambs eating out of lick bucket
More lambs being fed
One of our new ram lambs