We went to Omagh show on saturday 2nd july and we had great day and brought home alot of rosettes. Our ewe Rebecca got overall champion, ram lamb bill received reserve champion and our ewe lamb bella got second reserve. Our ram Jake in the picture held by sharon also won his class which was great.  Our son alex also came 3rd in the young handlers competition with his ewe lamb izzy and now goes onto the final in clogher. There was a great turnout of jacobs at the show and i would like to thank all the members who came to the day. The weather was great and i think everyone had a very enjoyable day. We our now looking forward to clogher and enniskillen shows.   

We headed to Armagh show on saturday and our ewe lambs did really well to come 3rd in the best pair section and Izzy(one of the ewe lambs ) came 2nd in her class overall. Our ewe Rebecca came 3rd in her class up against some stiff competion (Balmoral overall winner,Rare breeds) and we are now looking forward to Omagh show to see how they will do.    

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We had two very successful open days last weekend, one in our home and the other one in wicklow. We had approx 40 people attend on sat to see our flock and also many other four horned jacobs that were brought on the day by other breeders. We had  a shearing demo, spinning  wool demo and a stockjudging competition and mccaughan farm health sponsored some great prizes for the raffle and stockjudging. We had a great meal afterwards which took us out of the rain for a while.  Thanks to all the people who helped us on our open day.

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We had a great day at Balmoral and learned alot about what is involved in showing sheep. My son Alexs ram lamb (Bill) and my daughter Aimees ewe lamb (Bella) both did really well to get 3rd place in their respective classes. I would like to thank the rare breeds judge on the day, Robin Darker who give us alot of very good advice about our sheep and this will come in very useful in the years to come.

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Our son Alex pictured here with his ram lamb (Bill). He has been teaching him to walk on a halter around the garden and as you can see by the picture he is getting on well. Bill is 4 months old now and we hope that he will do well for us at the shows this year. If you have any interest in Jacobs we hope to see you at Balmoral. We will be competing in the rare breeds section which will be hard as we will be against sheep like South Downs etc but it will be a great experience.     
I would like to thank all members who voted for me in the recent election as i have now been
appointed rcm for Ireland. I look forward to the year ahead and working with the newly formed
committee. I am looking forward to all the shows north/south and hope that we have a 
successful year.

This week our 2 ewes from jean blacknell in England had 5 lambs between them( 4 ram lambs and 1 ewe). The double in the picture above are getting on very well and enjoying the great weather we are having at the minute. The ewe with 3 lambed on thursday past and hopefully will be put out to grass today. They needed a little bit of help with feeding but seem to be coming on ok. Only 1 jacob left to lamb and a few dorsets.    .

Our daughter Aimee' (on the left) with her school friends enjoying the new arrivals. No more lambs today
but hopefully something will happen tonight.  

My wife sharons dorset hoggett (dolly) had a whopper of a ram lamb today. She needed a little bit of help because the 
lamb was so big but both mother and son are doing well. The father is Jake our pedigree jacob ram(as you can tell by 
the distinct markings.)  The strong bodied dorset along with the jacob markings make a great lamb